Bogota International Half Marathon – 2024 Registration & 2023 Results

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Bogota, Columbia July 28, 2024 Registration Open

The Bogotá International Half Marathon – also known as Media Maratón Internacional de Bogotá, or mmB, is an annual race held in Bogotá, Colombia. With the first edition held in 2000, the event is usually organized in late July or early August.

The event features two key race distances – the half marathon and the 10K. Held at a height of 2600m above sea level, the race is not considered a fast one.

The Bogota International Half Marathon holds World Athletics Platinum Label Road Race status, making it the first race in South American to achieve this accreditation.

With nearly 45,000 participants every year, more than 860,000 athletes from 60 countries have participated in the different editions of the Bogotá International Half Marathon- including elite athletes, world champions, record holders and Olympic medalists.

Book Your Stay Near Race Starting Point

Bogota International Half Marathon

Race Categories, Dates, Registration, Eligibility & Fees

Half Marathon 10K
Distance 21.2km 10km
Start Time # 09:23 am onwards* 10:20 am onwards*
Eligibility Criterion  18 years & above 14 years & above
Fees – Early entry^
  • $ 150 (individual)
  • $ 137 each (Team of min. 20)
Fees – Ordinary Entry^^
  • $ 190 (individual)
  • $ 155 each (Team of min. 20)
Fees – Extra Ordinary Entry ^^^
  • $ 225 (individual)
  • $ 175 each (Team of min. 20)
Registration Register here
Expo Details  Venue: Cra. 37 #24-67, Corferias, Bogota
Date & Timings: July 25 to July 27 (8am – 7pm)

# Details of Race Start time for the Bogota International Half Marathon 2024 has not yet been released. Above are details from the 2023 race event for reference. 

* Different race start timings as per category – detailed below:
Half Marathon Elite (women): 9:23 am
Half Marathon (men) & Other participants: 9:30 am
10K Wheelchair: 10:20 am
10K other participants:10:30 am

^ Till December 31st, 2024
^^ January 1st – May 31st, 2024
^^^ June 1st – July 28th, 2024

Route/Course Map

Information about the course maps & other details for the Bogota International Half Marathon 2024 is detailed below (except 10K map).

Half Marathon 10K
Course Map HM Course Map 2024 10K Course Map 2023
Elevation Map HM Elevation Map 2024 10K Elevation Map 2024

The Bogota Half Marathon route is an OUT & BACK course with the below-mentioned Start and Finish points:

Start Point Finish Point
Simón Bolívar Park Simón Bolívar Park

Prize Money

Information about the prizes/ awards for the Bogota International Half Marathon2024 not yet available. Below are details from the 2023 edition for reference.

  • The winning athletes in each of the categories will be announced on the Race’s website, according to the list provided by the Colombian Athletics Federation.
  • The awards for the 21 kilometer race, open category, will be delivered only after the results of the World Athletics anti-doping tests are known.
  • The awards of the rest of the categories of the 21-kilometer and 10-kilometer races will be made upon presentation of the copy of the identity document, copy of the RUT (Unique Tax Registry), copy of bank certification and collection account.

2023 and Earlier Edition Results



Important Points

1. In person registration also available at Correcaminos de Colombia: Calle 86B No 15 – 22 Ofi. 301 (Bogotá).

2. There would be aid stations located along the course providing water and isotonic drinks, washroom and medical facilities.

3. There would be following age categories within each race:

  • Half marathon:20-39 years (open); 40-49 years (Veteran) and 50+ years (Plus)
  • 10K: 14-17 years (minor), 18-19 years (youth), 20-39 years (open); 40-49 years (Veteran) and 50+ years (Plus) and

4. No Age limit for Wheelchair

5. Cloakroom service is available. Athletes are only allowed to keep clothing, and it is forbidden to keep valuables (wallets, documents, money, cell phones, electronic devices, etc.). The organization is not responsible for loss and/or theft of objects left in the Cloakroom

6. For doubts and concerns, please contact organizers at

Contact Information
Mailing address: Calle 86B # 15-22 office 301
Webpage: www-mediamaratonbogota-com
PBX: (601)2563765 Bogotá, Colombia

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